Thursday, January 19, 2012


Isn't it weird Italians write the date like that? It is taking a lot of getting used to!

Today ends my first week of classes. Thank goodness we don't have classes on Fridays! It was a good week, but long. I was able to Skype/Face Time a few people yesterday which was wonderful! My Skype name is sdolbec and my Face Time is just my phone number(from home). Speaking of phone numbers, I messed up my Italian one. It's 339 255 6963. Feel free to call me on that number or text me on my iPhone. I can't answer but I can communicate with email and Facebook and such.

Today I am cooking dinner for two of my friends, Tim and Gabby. We are going to have rice with eggplant, peppers, onion, garlic, and zucchini. I am going to cook sausage too and bread with olive oil. I found out today that bread with olive oil is actually NOT Italian. They don't do that here, but I'm American and no Italians will see that in the privacy of my apartment :).
I will let you know how it turns out!



  1. That building is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Are you testing us on on our knowledge of Italian architecture??? It's great you can post pics here for us to see. How was dinner? It sounds all very good. Italians eat late don't they? And I hear they take their time unlike us Americans who gobble down their food. I love you and am glad you are having a great time. ENJOY the weekend. (this no classes on fridays is quite cool!!!) Enjoy. Ciao!
    ILY <3

  2. Forget the building Sara.....the food sounds delish! The Italians make dinner "an event". We should learn a lesson from the Italians! It's time to slow down a bit and enjoy fine food, wine and conversation! You are a quick study, as you seem to have fallen into one great routine there! Enjoy Bella! Keep on posting. I wish I were there with you!!!!! <3
