Monday, February 20, 2012

Chocolate fair

Quick blog today! On Saturday me and my roommate Caroline went to the chocolate fair in Piazza della Repubblica. Which is right near my apartment! I got some awesome goodies for my parents when they come and I bought a dark chocolate dipped waffle on a stick covered in coconut and sprinkles(jimmies to normal people :) ). It was a lot of fun. We saw a quick parade there. There were a lot of people throwing flags in the air and doing tricks with them. It was a lot of fun.

Ciao for the night!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

View from San Miniato

Gondola in Venice

View from the top of the Bell Tower

Bell Tower, Venice, Piazzale Michelangelo, San Miniato

Hey everyone! I am so sorry I haven't been blogging. I have been crazy busy this past week or so. I have done so much lately! I can't wait to tell you!

Last Wednesday, 08/02, I climbed the Bell Tower next to the Duomo! Mom and me are going to do it when they get here in 12 days!!!!!!!! I climbed a total of 828 steps (both up and down in total). It was rough and my legs hurt for about 3 days, obviously I need to do the stair master more. The view was amazing! Absolutely breath taking. I will post pictures about the 4 places after this post so you can see how beautiful it was without having to climb it!

This past Saturday, 11/02 I went to Venice for Carnevale! There were a total of about 250 kids that went! It was a 3 1/2 hour bus ride. I had a wonderful time. Everyone there was just enjoying themselves and making the best out of Carnevale. My mask was really pretty too :).

Today, Wednesday 15/02, I climbed up to Piazzale Michelangelo with my Story of Florence class. Another amazing view. From there we went to San Miniato, which is a church at the very top of the hill. It is a Medieval church and is very different. I really wanna show my parents this too. I thought the Bell Tower walk was bad? This was pretty close/worse. But it was every step!! The Bell Tower was very closed in and was kinda claustrophobic. Whereas the walk to San Miniato is all outside and open. Daddy you can do this one!!! <3

All for now I will post pictures later!

Ciao! <3

Monday, February 6, 2012


Currently it is -1 degrees out here. Time to drink a cappuccino and do my homework.

This is going to be a busy week for me. I have an outline due, a Italian test, an Italian paper(yuck), and I am going to Venice on Sunday!
The super bowl last night...such a late night. Me and 11 other Roger kids went to a really good MExican place before the game. We ate dinner at 10:30PM. We got to the game around 11:15ish and the game started at 12:30 AM. I got home and fell asleep at 5:00AM. I had class at 9...

What a late night. Was it worth it spending 8 euros to watch the game and only get 3 hours of sleep and the Pats lost? Absolutely! It was a really cool experience. Instead of watching the game with my family, which is always fun. I got to watch it with about 300 screaming fans hanging a great time. Pats vs. Giants fans in a pub having a great time yelling at each other.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So in America.. a kebab is meat and veggies on a stick. In Italy a kebab is a delicious wrap or panino. The shave meat usually pork or chicken off this huge spinning thing(kind of gross) and they add spicy sauce ( Mom you can get it without it! =] ), some white sauce I think its kind of like ranch, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and french fries!!! It is sooooo good. I just ate one for lunch at this place down the road. I can't wait for my parents to try it! I didn't take a picture because I ate it so fast but I took one from Google, and it pretty much looked the same!

Super Bowl

This has ben a very relaxing weekend for me. I am still trying to get over a cold, which is getting better very slowly, but still getting better. Tonight is the super bowl though! It starts at 12.30 AM! our time. We are all going to be very tired in the morning. All of Roger is going to watch it at Red Garder a pub that is only about 15 minutes away. But since it is so cold out we will probably walk really fast.

I am going to go to the market in a few minutes and then try to find some gelato. Also on my way to the market I am going to throw trash away which isn't in just dumpsters. They are these weird things on the group that you push open with your foot. You put the trash in and if you open it back up the trash is gone. It goes underground! Kind of cool!

Off to find some food.

Go New England!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Third week of classes

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. There was nothing crazy interesting to report this past week. Now I have some stuff to tell you though!

Sandie--I did find the Chinese food place. My recommendation...NEVER GO THERE. The rice was good but the chicken...well...I don't even know if it was chicken. It was weirdly soft and just like iffy. I bought sweet and sour chicken. In the sauce was pineapple(normal) and tomatoes! Who does that? At least it wasn't expensive because I could not finish the tomato pineapple soft chicken or other type of meat dish.

It is veryyy cold here. It was very windy on Wednesday, it reminded me of being back at good 'ol Roger. It snowed here yesterday. It was very weird because they never get snow. Not enough to make an Italian snow ball, but it still snowed. In Italy they aren't prepared for this kind of stuff so in my school building all the power went out. Half of my class was cancelled.

On Wednesday for my Story of a City class we walked around Florence and had a Roman Treasure hunt. We walked to many different places and with our groups we had to identify the thing around us that was Ancient Roman. We had to pick our own groups so naturally all the Roger kids went together. The prize was a bottle of wine and we had to split it with our groups so we all went into smaller groups. My group didn't end up winning but we were in second place! We were very close. I can't wait to show my parents all the things I saw. One really interesting thing that wasn't Roman was the flood marker from 1966. It was about 11 feet high!!!!

On Thursday for my Art in Context class, we went to Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Museum. We got to see some of the sculptures from the first Cathedral in Florence. We saw works by Michelangelo, Donatello and other artists.

This weekend I plan on being a relaxing weekend. I am going to book some trips, relax and then on Sunday is the Superbowl! We are all going to The Red Garder for the game. It starts at around 12:30 AM here I think.

More later