Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I never knew how much I would miss wifi. It was very hard to be this far from my friends and family and not be able to see them or talk to them. But I have it now!!!!!
Classes started yesterday and they went really well. I have Ancient Rome and Italian yesterday and today I have Cultural & History of Food and Italian. Very cool classes!
My Italian is improving and (hopefully) will continue to improve. I ordered my lunch in butchered Italian today, better than nothing I guess! And the best part was the owner understood me!! There is a small Café near my apartment which has amazing food! One huge piece of advice that I got once I got here was, to stick to the same food place so they get to know you. This is definitely coming in handy because I got a discount the last 2 days!!
We have been cooking a lot in our apartment, more like cooking pasta, pasta...and pasta. Its tasty though =].
Off to clean and then homework and off to learn more Italian!



  1. Wow....everything is sounding great. I am so impressed how you are adapting. And I am so happy for you that you have WiFi ('bout time!). Now you can be more "connected". We are all just a click away now! I love you so much. Wait till I tell you about the new patient I got yesterday (OMG). I miss you and am extremely PROUD of you! xoxoxoxox ily <3

  2. aww I love you mom I can't wait to hear about him/her

  3. I am so jealous/excited/happy for you Sara! Learn some new Italian recipes so that we can cook them when you return to the states! Love and miss you darling! xoxo

  4. 1. You're taking History of Food?!?! That's probably the best class ever.
    2. I love that this whole post is about food. <3
    3. We like food.
    4. I was craaaving Maui the other night.
    5. I miss you an insane amount!

  5. Always remember......there is a tourist's menu and a resident's menu! VERY different prices, may I add! I learned that from my stay in Italy!!!!! Enjoy every second Sara! <3 Sandie

  6. We are so glad you are doing well! It sounds wonderful! Hope you enjoy all of your classes and make lots of friends. Love, The Faheys
